Monday, January 21, 2008

Desperation, they call it

It has been a while since I bothered with this thing, however, I have been venting elsewhere. To update you on what went down the past 5 months would result in a pitiful piece of writing not even worthy of being published on an online blog. So I won't do it.

There is nothing more promising than watching the Diary of Bridget Jones, both parts, in stretchy pyjama pants while shoveling yourself full of chocolate. It is at moments like those, with messy crumbs all over your shirt and bags under your eyes, that one feels truly fulfilled. Going from a total recluse when it comes to any kind of romantic interest to actually being offered with the possibility of being in a relationship, whatever that may be, is not the easiest switch. One, like myself, is bound to stumble along the way...and quite frankly disgust themselves.

For the past two hours, I have been looking at the phone. This is not happening to me. This is awful. Pathetic. Unbelievable.

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