Sunday, May 27, 2007

Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Feeling like one big long day

The weather outside is incredibly dull and uneventful. I spent my weekend sneezing, coughing and shaking from fever...amongst other extremely attractive things. It feels as though time flies by in an insanely unrealistic fashion, but I suppose that comes with age. When I was younger, an hour would feel like an eternity. But youth itself wasn't much of a reward.

My cat has been following me around everywhere, currently lounging infront of my computer, occasionally obstructing my view. At times I feel like he is the only person who can understand me, in a profound way that no one else dares to. Maybe it is the reluctance on his part to engage in conversations, that passive stare, that gives me the thumbs up to extract all of these feelings. He understands nothing, and that's fine.

August 28th seems ridiculously far away, but as we all know, if all goes well, it will surely come.

I should organize my room...but I feel too broken to do anything. Viruses are not fun at all. Jesus.

That's all for today. I know, nothing much to say.

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