Sunday, April 22, 2007

Never keep up with the Joneses..drag them down to your level

I seem to have a rather tough time coming up with these titles. There is too much emphasis on the title...I bought into that however, and have no one but myself to blame.

Feeling rather deprived and somewhat sore, I chugged down about 600 calories worth of 7-11's Slurpee over the course of this weekend. My God. And then I marveled at the beauty that is "collector's" cup, right now they have Spiderman...and he moves when you move the cup. People who believe I am above Earthly amusements are in complete oblivion. One look at me standing in amazement in front of a stack of Spiderman collector's cups at the 7-11 would have sent them running off to find another messiah, another prophet..another me. As long as that security tape stays where it should, we should be a-ok. In fact, if they rewound that tape to about...2 years ago now, they would find a very different looking me, stumbling to that same Slurpee machine, experiencing both heaven and hell on a very nice, artistic psychedelic drug. However, those days are long gone, I am now a clean little whistle, and all I have are random flashbacks to hold on to...

My obsession with Quentin Crisp is a serious one. I might buy a signed copy of The Naked Civil Servant...on Ebay. However, the seller wants me to pay $20 for the book, and another $20 for shipping and "handling" (I never really understood how much "handling" is required for a package to be sent from one place to another...). It is not like $40 is too much...not for Quentin...but I really hate the feeling of paying an equal amount of money for both the book and the shipping. It feels weird. Maybe I am weird. Ugh, weird is such a silly word.

Instead of going to "school" tomorrow, I have decided to do something a little bit more productive (anything is more productive that going to an institution that resembles an insane asylum..), which is, take day off, lounge in the backyard, read some mandatory Tennessee Williams, sip on some Earl Grey...and learn Italian. Maybe I should learn French completely first...finish what I have started.
Speaking of Earl Grey... these past few days have been difficult. Due to the stitching of the empty space where my wisdom tooth sat, I have not been allowed to drink any tea. I think I took my addiction to tea and transformed into a Slurpee addiction- not very wise, seeing how tea only stains your teeth, but Slurpees equal hours worth of exercise. Can I make it? I hope so.

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