Friday, April 20, 2007

Things to do in Denver when you're half-deceased

What better way to start a daily update than to say "Everything is a mess, nothing is right, kill me, kill me, kill me...please don't miss the's right here...". But of course, to say say that I'd have to be in a rather big rut. I will not say I am lethargic; no, I am more on the livid side of the spectrum. Yes, I have crossed that thin, thin line.

People in my proximity are generally unbearable, and I am truly hoping that there is a place where there are some people who have an ounce of redeeming qualities left in them. Heaven, hell, in-between...-somewhere.

You might or might not know that I work at a movie theatre, AMC theatres, the breast and brightest (yes, I did say breast. Why? Why not?). I just got my first paycheck today: $150 for 20 hours. 20 hours!!! 20 hours of my time...20 hours that I spent smiling (a very demanding, difficult task for me) talking in a high-pitched voice to mask my unhappiness about many many things...20 hours of serving utterly defective people (who else would pay $11.40 for a bag of popcorn and a large drink???)..20 hours of serving people hot dogs...even though I think that carnivorous activities should be punishable by law and "up there" with child molestation and first degree murder.........20 hours of my time!

I demand a raise...and this is why....when I become the first woman to ever win an Oscar, they will be hanging pictures of me and showing the cash register where I worked at...young film enthusiasts will be licking the glass display in which my name tag sits neatly on a piece of blue velvet fabric.. Imagine the money it will bring them? Imagine the press and the "yeah I knew her she was an odd character, awfully cheerful on the outside, but quite puzzling on the inside" interviews....I can't wait to see all of those people who don't care if I live or die, pretending we were best friends on the Biography channel special about the life and time of_______(I need to come up with a good, strong that people can say "I knew her as simply- Milica"). Yeah. I'll laugh...and crash my Mercedes while getting drunk on Earl Grey tea....

..but until then, slave away simpleton...slave away, until you have absolutely no desire to do anything productive/constructive/positive! Until the idea that $7.50 an hour is all you will get is instilled in your brain- then the capitalists have succeeded, and you will be flushed away to the fringes of the society.

My God. What a pessimist. And all of this at 17. I can't even imagine what she will be like when she's 20. 30. 40? I won't go on. Decades are so easy to skip...they're like pieces of popcorn. Ugh. Popcorn. Gross.

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